The Danville Pipe Bomb and the dubious suicide of Dry Cleaner

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First Section
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
Second Section
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
Third Section
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
Fourth Section
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
During Compile time, the compiler converts the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) are CPU-Independent set of instructions that can be effectively converted to the native code. Now with the help of JIT compiler, IL code can be executed on any computer architecture supported by the JIT compiler.
The Walker Family Arson Murders links to Walnut Creek, Sonoma, Danville, San Ramon and Alamo

The Walker Family Murders
A deadly fire in 1968 Clayton CA leaves five children dead then in 2005 their cousins were murdered. The Secrets of the Creeks keep giving.Learn more
City of Clayton
This tragedy came into focus after articles appeared in the Contra Costa Times and where after reading about this fire tragedy I called a former Clayton resident who was the same age as the victims.View details »
City of Walnut Creek
There are more than just a few explosions and fires in Contra Costa County but even more in the state and plenty around the country.Everything points in one direction.
Piedmont Lumber
As the flames faded the news crews descended upon the owners of the Piedmont Lumber Company.BANG: After burning down in mysterious fire, Holy Cross Church prepares to open its doors
SAN JOSE — Frances Valdez has spent nearly her entire 72 years worshiping and celebrating the milestones of her life at the historic Holy Cross Church, a place that’s become like a second home. It’s where she received her First Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation, and where her children were baptized.
On Friday, she’ll witness the church’s remarkable rebirth.Frances Valdez, 72, had her First Holy Communion back in the mid-50’s at Holy Cross Church in San Jose, Calif. She reminisced Tuesday, May 25, 2018, about the old church destroyed by fire four years ago and reopening later this week after a rebuild. (Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group)
Like many parishioners, Valdez watched in horror one November morning as the century-old church — a cultural and religious icon east of Japantown — was ravaged by a mysterious four-alarm fire in 2014.
“It broke everybody’s heart,” said Valdez. “It was part of the family.”
But Valdez was certain she’d see the church rise again. That affirmation will come Friday when the freshly-rebuilt Holy Cross church on N. 12th and Jackson Streets is inaugurated, ready to welcome the city’s faithful Catholics for generations to come.
Read the rest of the story
The Cabbage Patch Conspiracy ~ The Oklahoma Land Grab of 1979

The Arsonist is Real and Active
The person or persons behind these fires has been active for decades. The first fire known to me was fall of 1979 on the Cabbage Patch FarmLearn more
Over Several Months during Fall 1979
The Missing Farmer
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.View details »
Card title
The Arson Murder
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.View details »
The Serial Arson Victim Speaks

The Untold Attempted Murder via Arson of Pete Bennett and Bennett v. Southern Pacific witness murder
The Suicide at Diablo Cleaners under the Auspices of the Town of Danville
The Suicide at Diablo Cleaners of Danville

The Attempted Murder visible from Danville Town Offices

This is not the arsonist but our friends the Antifa where in this crowd several members grabbed (stole) my hat from my head and burned it.
If you want to protest go ahead but real protesters show their faces.
Burning Children and Families for Politics and Profit

Unnatural Causes
Why did a devoted San Ramon mom decide to end her own life and take her little girl with her?
The Richmond Warehouse Fire and the Tracy Rail Yards

The Safeway Distribution Arson in Richmond
A few unseen connections slipped by most Safeway observers but my story is different as before the Richmond warehouse burned my lawsuit was moving forward against Southern PacificThe Southern Pacific connection to Safeway has been neatly tucked away for decades. There is additional secreted witness murder linked to the June 13, 2017 perjury conviction of Contra Costa County District Mark Peterson. The Southern Pacific Transportation Company (SPTC) often Southern Pacific Railroad, SPSF came from a failed merger attempt in 1986 created enough confusion leaving most calling them SP.
The secret murder of Floyd Brown Jr. leads to the Concord Police Department during the latter years of the 1980s. The incident invovles a severely injured cyclisttraveling across a right of way in Pittsburg CA, Pete Bennett flips after colliding with the poorly maintained rail spur that traveled up and into Camp Stoneman which once supported troops for WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
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The Teamster Workers
sSteve Burd former CEO of Safeway touting his new fleet of bio-diesel fuels.